The world is my oyster.
Pearl port_twitter.png


Twitter: it’s what's happening. I use storytelling and content strategy to help 9,000+ employees worldwide understand how to grow their careers at Twitter. This includes content for emails, landing pages, e-learnings, policy guides, workshops, and lots more.


Cross-Team Editorial Projects


Where We Work Nomenclature

In 2020, Twitter decided calling employees “remote” didn’t make sense anymore. After all, if we all work from home, what are we remote from? So, Jack Dorsey asked my team to create more inclusive / location agnostic nomenclature for where we work. Enter: My Place, Our Place, and Either Place. The concept was socialized with 30+ leaders at Twitter, including Jennifer Christie (CHRO) and Leslie Berland (CMO). While we ultimately chose Work From Home, Work From Office, and Work From Both, the project shaped industry conversation on the topic.


“Thank U, Next” Performance Review Campaign

Performance reviews? Not fun. In 2020? Definitely not. To help, I created a marketing campaign that positioned reviews as a way to say “Thank U, Next” to 2020. Not doing it would be like ghosting, and no one wants to be that guy. Especially when “consciously uncoupling” from a bad year is a chance to reflect, breathe, and celebrate your wins. The result? 88% of all employees got them done (and we saw an uptick in Ariana Grande memes on Slack). Read the full copy in the Writing section below.

Content Strategy

Empowering people to understand Twitter’s voice

Twitter’s Career Experience program owners struggle to talk about their programs in a clear, relatable way. I built this how-to guide with voice/tone examples to show them how to create comms that delight (no matter the subject).

Teaching people to build a content activation plan

Launching a successful campaign doesn’t happen by accident! I created a guide to empower program owners @Twitter to set up success metrics, embed content long-term, tailor messaging for different audiences, and more.

Getting program owners to understand their audience

Good writing means knowing your audience inside-and-out. I lead messaging and persona workshops to help stakeholders develop personas including behaviors, common actions, needs, and pain points.


Improving manager experience @Twitter

After surveying 1,0000+ managers at Twitter, we realized there was a lot more we could do to support them. As a part an effort to improve manager experience, I created a Slack strategy to help keep them informed, build community, and empower them to care for their teams (anywhere, at anytime). I also set up Twitter’s first-ever monthly managers-only meeting—which 65% of managers regularly attend.




  • Hey Tweeps,

    Anyone else ready to break up with 2020?

    Tbh, same. But, ghosting’s the easy way out—and that’s not our style. This year, it’s especially important to celebrate your wins, do some journaling (... in Workday), and “consciously uncouple” by applying what we’ve learned to 2021 goals.

    Managers and Tweeps will have the opportunity to reflect on all of this together in a Year End Check-In. Here’s what you need to know.

    What’s a Year End Check-In?

    We’re combining December and January Monthly Check-Ins into one Year End Check-In. And yes, formal ratings and reviews are still paused. So, think of it as a simple way for you to stop, breathe, and take a minute to acknowledge all that you’ve done (in spite of an unbelievably tough year).

    How will the check-in process work?

    1. Close out your 2020 goals in Workday. Want to extend a 2020 goal? Just update the due date and link to a 2021 company-wide OKR in the system.

    2. Write a short “Tweep Summary ” in Workday (and don’t be afraid to brag a little). It opens Tuesday, December 1 (Workday notification with instructions coming soon). And it’s due by December 17. Once you’ve completed the comment, your manager will write a “Manager Summary” in response.

    3. Once your summary’s done and you’ve closed out your goals, your manager will set up your Year End Check-In sometime before January 29. Use the time to talk about the summary and start thinking about your 2021 goals.

    And that’s it. 😎 For specific updates and to-dos, read our manager and Tweep guides and these FAQs. And for any other questions, reach out to the #careershelp slack channel or to your HRBP.

    Cheers to what’s next,

    Your People Team

  • What’s happening?

    We dare–yes, dare–you to take five (ahem, non-consecutive) days to focus on your development in the Leading@ pilot.

    What does it cover?

    Leading@ is made by Twitter, for you. No lectures or boxes to check off. Just #RealTalk about the “secret sauce” you need to do your best: owning things without controlling everything, pivoting, and inspiring in a way that feels authentic. It includes facilitated conversations, hands-on workshops, and space to learn from and get close with a cohort of leaders from around the 🌍.

    Why should I attend?

    You serve your team every day. Other teams, too. But you can’t do fewer things, make faster decisions, or increase accountability without focusing on your growth first. And yes, we know you’re busy. Leading@ can help you cut through that chaos by building the network and tools you need to speed up change @Twitter.

    What are the details?

    The program sessions are the following days/times:

    • Tuesday, Mar 1st: 9 - 10:00 am PT

    • Wednesday, Mar 2nd: 9 - 12:30 pm PT

    • Thursday, Mar 3rd: 9 - 12:30 pm PT

    You in? Please let us know by replying directly and filling out this form for some swag no later than Thursday, Feb 3rd.

    We can’t wait to see you there.

  • Hi Tweeps 👋🏽

    Oops, we did it again: Performance Reviews and Ratings are back! We are stronger than yesterday, and it's time to let it all out in your self-reviews. Let’s talk about what reviews and ratings are, how self-reviews work, and where to start.

    What are Performance Reviews and Ratings?

    A chance for you to pause, reflect (Britney pic for inspo), and get recognized for all you accomplished in 2021. It’s also a time for you and your manager to talk about your growth in ‘22. It includes a self-review, manager-review, and performance discussion (where you’ll get your ratings).

    Where do I start?

    With your self-review. It’s due by December 3 (A tip? Throw on your favorite playlist and knock it out during Focus Week 😉). Self-reviews are cr 👏ti 👏cal 👏 for reducing performance bias because it helps us understand your wins in your own words. Here’s how they work:

    • Update the “completion status” and close out 2021 goals in Workday.

    • Assign two self-ratings: one for 2021 goals and one for 2021 skills and behaviors.

    • Write a summary comment reflecting on 2021 and plans for 2022.

    Other important dates:

    • November 10 - December 10 - Q1 Promo submissions

    • November 15 - December 3 - Self-reviews

    • December 6 - 30- Manager-reviews

    • January 4 - 19 - Ratings calibration and validation period

    • January 4 - February 11 - 2022 Goal Setting

    • January 25 - February 4 - Performance discussions

    • February 3 - 18 - Q1 Comp Planning

    Questions? Read the self-review guide. Check out go/performing and FAQ. Ask your HRBP, or ping #careershelp on Slack.

    Career Experience team

Intranet Ads


Landing pages

One of Twitter’s top-10 intranet pages, go/Careers is Twitter’s personalized career resource site for all employees. I worked on this page from concept to launch, including user testing, copywriting, art direction, and content strategy.

Leading@ is a 3-day training program for leaders at Twitter worldwide. I collaborated on content strategy for this page and wrote all copy.

Where We Work is an external page where prospective employees can figure out where Twitter’s located around the world. I led copywriting efforts for this page. Check out the page here.