The world is my oyster.


The CogniToys Dino was an educational smart toy that shared stories, games, and jokes with kids. Backed by Kickstarter, CogniToys was my first job and I was employee #1 after the co-founders. I worked as a copywriter, UX writer, social media manager, and customer support agent.

Customer Support Success Story

CogniToys were supposed to ship by Christmas in 2015. Unfortunately, the team realized shortly before the holidays that the dinos were going to be three months late. I was tasked with letting our 5,000+ Kickstarter backers know the dino wasn’t going to be home for Christmas. Besides writing crisis comms about the delay, I personally communicated with thousands of angry parents/customers and because of my support, less than 2% of backers cancelled their order.

Award applications to UX—I did it.

Fast Company D&AD Education Impact Award

I applied for 10+ awards on the CogniToys’s behalf and won three, including the Fast Company Education Impact Award. 100+ companies applies, five made it to the finals, and CogniToys was the winner! Our application included a 500 word pitch and customer testimonials.

CogniToys App UX

The CogniToys Dino needed an app to connect to Wi-Fi. I user tested our app with 20+ Kickstarter backers and wrote UX copy based on those interviews.


Getting Social

I created a fun, educational voice for the Dino across Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to engage parents and Kickstarter backers. I drafted all posts (Instagram examples below) and maintained a quarterly social calendar.